
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

Semantic Role Labeling Guided Out-of-distribution Detection

Published in COLING, 2024

This paper is about ood detection for NLP.

Recommended citation: Zou, J., Guo, M., Tian, Y., Lin, Y., Cao, H., Liu, L., Abbasnejad, E. and Shi, J.Q., 2024, May. Semantic Role Labeling Guided Out-of-distribution Detection. In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024) (pp. 14641-14651)

A Generative Approach for Comprehensive Financial Event Extraction at the Document Level

Published in ICAIF, 2023

This paper proposes a generative approach for extracting financial events from documents, addressing the challenges of scattered arguments and multiple events by introducing specialized encoding and decoding schemes.

Recommended citation: Zou, J., Liu, Y., Qi, Y., Cao, H., Liu, L. and Shi, J.Q., 2023, November. A Generative Approach for Comprehensive Financial Event Extraction at the Document Level. In Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Conference on AI in Finance (pp. 323-330).

Stock market prediction via deep learning techniques: A survey

Published in arXiv, 2022

This paper is a survey for stock prediction via deep learning techniques.

Recommended citation: Zou, J., Zhao, Q., Jiao, Y., Cao, H., Liu, Y., Yan, Q., Abbasnejad, E., Liu, L. and Shi, J.Q., 2022. Stock market prediction via deep learning techniques: A survey. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.12717.

Astock: A New Dataset and Automated Stock Trading based on Stock-specific News Analyzing Model

Published in FinNLP@EMNLP, 2022

This paper presents a platform for systematically studying NLP-aided stock auto-trading algorithms, featuring financial news and stock factors for each stock.

Recommended citation: Zou, J., Cao, H., Liu, L., Lin, Y., Abbasnejad, E. and Shi, J.Q., 2022, December. Astock: A New Dataset and Automated Stock Trading based on Stock-specific News Analyzing Model. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing (FinNLP) (pp. 178-186).